Perkins and Will Miami Studio
Reimagined as one integrated creative design studio,the renovated office space allows a strong visual connection between designers and their multidisciplinary work. Supporting amulti-generational team, different styles of work are encouraged through a variety of spaces and seating choices. Project-basedteams and individual mobility are supported by wireless connectivity and reconfigurable furniture. The office features modular rooms that can be modified for focused work or available to host charrettes, design talks and immersive digital presentations. The studio includes a virtual reality lab where clients are part of the digital practice. The diverse, inclusive, and excellence-driven culture of the Miami office is celebrated by providing a large, comfortable multipurpose lounge where daily cafecitos and after-hoursgatherings take place. The state-of-the-art Conference Room allows the firm to host community leadership and networking events where everyone is welcome, office dogs included.
28th February, 12:15 pm
Moore Building